Kym Wright
. Kym Wright is the mother of eight great homeschooled children and the author of the exciting new book: Booster Shot: Energize Your Homeschool with Unit Studies. With a Bachelor of Science Degree from Judson College in Marion, Alabama, she has been homeschooling for 20-something years, with her oldest daughter learning to read at 3½ - and she has authored hundreds of articles on homeschooling, education, mothering, and practical living. Her articles have appeared in many national publications including Practical Homeschooling and Home Schooling Today, and Kym has been a columnist for many homeschool publications. She now publishes a premium online magazine called The Mother’s Heart, with the foundation that if the mother’s heart is right, and she is convinced of the value of her role as a mom, she’ll make great choices for her family.